Tongue Party!

So we know that your band name is Tongue Party, what lead you guys into choosing that name?

A lot of people think that its some porno shit or like some sexual innuendo but we’re not clever enough for that. During a conversation about having a dinner party and serving nothing but different varieties of tongue, the phrase “tongue party” was blurted out. We liked how those two words sounded together, so we went with it. It’s fucking as stupid as that honestly. However, it has been brought to our attention that there’s a video on Pornhub called “Tongue Party” or something like that for those interested…also there’s a ton of King Crimson albums posted there FYI.

Tongue Party in Minneapolis Photo Credit: @undercurrentmpls

We have been listening to a lot of your music lately and our favorite album would have to be Looking for a Painful Death. What inspired you guys while making this album? 

Cynicism, entitlement, existential dread, service industry jobs, self-loathing, nihilism, our pile of shitty vans, hate for summer, people who are way too fucking positive all the time etc.  Anything we find displeasing has a good chance of becoming song content. That’s a lot of options by the way.

Is there a deeper meaning to any of the songs from Looking for a Painful Death?

Nah, not really. Most of our songs are straight and to the point sonically and lyrically. If you listen to the words, we are basically saying what we’re thinking and what we mean to get across. We don’t want anyone to misinterpret or read deeply into the meaning of our words, so we say what we mean as directly as possible. We don’t like being passive, we are very direct in a lot of different ways.

When putting an album together can you tell us a little bit of what the creative process is like for you guys

To start this answer off, ill say that Preston didn’t join the band until like 3 weeks before we recorded Looking For A Painful Death. So all the albums were written by Adam and Brandon for the most part, and it really would be Adam bringing a handful of riffs and Brandon helping put the puzzle together. We just started working on new material and its the first time all three of us get to write together since Preston joined up. The last song we wrote, we all got together and got really fucked up. Adam had two riffs that had been hanging around so we started with those. From then on, each person just kind of chimed in when needed and we really just worked together on the arrangement and the rest of the riffs. If someone had an idea we tried it a bunch, if it worked great if not we would just hash it out until we found something that did. The process seemed to work really well. Once the music of the song is finished, Adam will write words for it. While we’re on the road, we always have great conversations. If a really great line is said, Adam will text to himself for later. Most of our song content comes from these conversations.

One of Tongue Party’s “shitty vans”.

Who would you say are your biggest influences?

Black Flag, TAD, all of our friends who are doing cooler shit, touring, Werner Herzog, The Simpsons (seasons 1-8), healthy doses of punk rock and jazz.

Besides from hearing your music on Indie Volt Radio where else can people find more of Tongue Party’s music?

Find us on most streaming services including; Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, YouTube etc.  and then you can always stream our music from our Bandcamp or the Learning Curve Records bandcamp. If none of these peak your interest, get your ass to a damn show.

What does the future hold for Tongue Party? Any new albums in the making? 

As of right now, we have some cool releases in the works and then just some national touring this year to promote Looking For A Painful Death. In between practicing for the tour, we are riffing out and hashing out a new album, keep your ears open on that.

Any fun facts you would like to share with us and your fans?

We were hexed on our first tour by someone and shit constantly goes wrong in Tongue Party.

Check out tongue party today on Indie Volt Radio!

Krysta Grant

Krysta Grant

About Author

Krysta loves music, as a matter of fact, popular opinion from her loved ones suggest perhaps a bit too much! Choosing to use this debilitating quirk to her benefit, she parlayed it into a position interviewing musical talents for as well as manager and head curator of Indie Volt radio.

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