Indie Volt’s Book of the Week

Have you ever heard of The Oswald Chronicles?

Well, guess what? The Oswald Chronicles : We Were Just Passing Through is now in comic book form. Creator and writer  JD Calderon and artist Jade Gonzalez have released The Oswald Chronicles: We Were Just Passing Through in comic book form and is now on Kickstarter.


Oswald,the main character, is visited by a desperate group of Kalsions who are on the run from an army of blood thirsty Grogs.



The Oswald Chronicles : We Were Just Passing Through. 

It’s only been a few months since Oswald had fought off evil Ork Queens and their armies. Now as he and his new found friends are settling into their peaceful lives, a small force of Kalsions find their way onto the mall, Oswald’s home.


The Kalsions are a sophisticated race of spell casters that live in Central Park, who the fae have a mild hatred for, unlike the Grogs who pursue them for the grand artifact they’ve stolen.



The Oswald Chronicles: We Were Just Passing Through has currently made $1,720 out of the planned goal of $750.  You can find this comic now funding on Kickstarter and it has 11 days to go. You can get issues 1 & 2 of The Oswald Chronicles : We Were Just Passing Through and also The Trial of Oswald, A Star Trimmer Tale, which is a prose story. So, go back it while you still have the chance.





Indie Volt

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