RAYNA: The Bastard Queen #1 (REVIEW)

A barbarian warrior seeks vengeance on the coven of witches that murdered her tribe when she was a child.

First, let me start by saying that I NEED Mr. Cummins to DM my next D&D campaign, we meet on Tuesday sir and would love to have you show Richard how it’s done!

Polished and brutal, Skeletal Press’ Rayna: The Bastard Queen is everything I’d want from the start of a good D&D campaign. From the opening page Stan Yak’s illustrations transports readers to a land that is both and equal parts enchanting and horrifying, a world where large demonic creatures walk the earth and SPEAK with reason (trust me, those are the most dangerous kind, monsters without the mental capacity to formulate or strategize are statistically easier to dispatch!) and purpose. 

Rayna stands ready for battle. (Art: Stan Yak) [Skeletal Press]

The story Ryan Cummins presents interlaces perfectly with the art and readers will instantly understand characters motivations and personalities with just a few lines of dialogue. The name sake of the comic Rayna unleashes her brutality on one of the aforementioned monsters and I actually felt bad for the creature…or what was left of it, sure he probably had it coming and he did indeed proceed to F around and thusly completely found out, but….damn Sis‘. It’s clear that Rayna is working through some inner demons and personal issues as well, struggling to keep a darkness at bay as she does what she does best…KILL MONSTERS!!!

The saying, how long can you fight the darkness before you find it, within yourself definielty seems to apply here in Rayna’s world..
It would appear that very darkness and prehaps just a tensy wensy sliver of desired revenge is pulling Rayna toward a mission that she becomes bound and determined to take up, after hearing tale of a witch who lords over a enormous treasure, Rayna pleads her case to her surrogate father convincing him that tracking down and ultimately slaying this foul witch is a worthwhile endeavor for the riches and loot alone, in what her familial group of fellow warriors more than likely think a unnecessary side quest.

Anyone who appreciates seeing monsters get sliced from asshole to appetitie – especially those fans of sword & sorcery, D&D, GoT and such won’t want to miss out on this series of comics and even readers who aren’t fans of the genre will surely find something to love between Yak and Cummins combined efforts, all in all this book is a more than solid start for a new character and will leave readers wanting for more instantly. Long Live the Bastard Queen!

I say GOT DAYUM!!!!

As of this writing, Teena McIntire did not hold (either directly or indirectly) any positions in the company, team or product reviewed in this article. The opinions expressed in this review are those of the writer, subject to the Publishing Guidelines.

Teena McIntire

Teena McIntire

About Author

Due to being one of the few staffers who knows "GOODER" isn't an actual word, Teena serves as Head writer as of May of 2023 for INDIEVOLT.COM. Having lost a regretabable "drunken" wager Teena was left with two equally terrifying possibilties; fostering a relationship as an on-demand side chick or writing content for Indie Volt. Possessing an extensive and slightly concerning carnal knowledge of several indie musicians it was super easy to ply her skillset to the demands and tasks of Indie Volt. When not writing, Teena enjoys watching documentaries on plagues and illnesses hoping that one glorious bacteria will wipe our hateful species off the planet and release her from the mundane toil of "existance". She has a hamster named Kanye.

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