Spoiler-Free Preview Review – Betty “The Slayer” Mitchell

Indie comics, supernatural beasts of lore and beautiful women. Hardly an

Betty “The Slayer” Mitchell

odd combination, but Betty Mitchell is different and well worth the look.

Betty Mitchell is a strong female hero who might be beautiful, but it’s not her identity. I’d almost call her a multinational character. She’s just as strong-willed and stoic as an American cowboy with the charm of a Scottish Lass while she hunts supernatural ghouls and beasts along with cameos from historical characters of the late 1800s.

Spring-heeled Jack is up to his old tricks.

The art style you see on the cover is very indicative of the art you’ll see on the inside if a little less gory. From the cover alone I was expecting something along the lines of a Jacen Burrows book. Overall the art is excellent, the colors and inking are superb and give you the feeling of a very polished work with a fast-paced progression and action scenes. I have a feeling that each issue in this five-issue series will reveal a little more about the character and history that is Betty “The Slayer” Mitchell. The individual issues are going to be available through ComiXology throughout 2018 and early 2019 with a trade paperback available after the last issue.

The art is very polished, but outside of fight sequences not as dynamic as I’d like 4.5/5.0 for Art. The story pacing is very fast and I feel there are some scenes that were edited progress the story faster, 4.0/5.0. Readability flows well with good use of caption boxes to explain the setting and narrative 4.5/5.0. The potential of this book is held in its unique take on an age-old formula and I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t reread it multiple times looking for clues for issue two and beyond 4.5/5.0. For a total of 4.38/5.0 overall making Betty “the Slayer” Mitchell a High Voltage book.


But as always you don’t have to take my word for it, you can pick up your copy on Comixology


Paul Drabick

About Author

Forged in flames, Cast with steel, where three rivers converge. That's where you'll find this mad man who hunts for all things unique and grand. Most can only look and see what is, he looks and sees what is and what can be, Better known to people of this realm, Paul Drabick proprietor of the comic shop

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